Insertion Sort

As one of typical Adaptive Sort, insertion sort performs marvelously on list that is partially sorted and it is a great choice for combination with various prevalent sorting algorithms such as QuickSort and MergeSort.

The fundamental idea is described as: in each iteration of processing the unsorted array (beginning from the original array), remove the first element (𝕊) of the unsorted part; in an ascending order of sorted part, check the value of 𝕊 against each element of sorted part and insert it into the appropriate location that smaller sorted elements in its left and larger elements in its right.


INSERTION_SORT(array) // array is zero-based
  for i := 1 to length(array)
    for j := i to 0
      if array[j-1] > array[j]
        swap array[j] and array[j-1]

Note: if using a dynamic structure to store entries such as linked list, you would eliminate multiple times of swapping and only one entry insertion is required for each iteration.

Algorithm Analysis

Insertion Sort is a stable and adaptive sort scheme and a well-formed algorithm in many technical systems. It normally requires Ο(n2) compares and swaps but in the best case when the given inputs are nearly sorted, it could only require Ο(n) compares and swaps.

Despite of high efficiency of Insertion Sort in almost sorted list, it consumes many swaps to sort the entire list. Shell Sort improves upon the deficiencies of Insertion Sort.

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