Heap Sort

Based on a typical heap data structure, Heap Sort is an in-place, not stable comparison-baed sorting algorithm and can be thought of as a improved version of selection sort algorithm.

Fundamental Ideas

Initially, a BUILD-MAX-HEAP is called upon a randomly distributed inputs to setup a max-heap. Now that the topmost root key must be the largest among the heap, extract that key to a sorted array and restore the heap property using MAX-HEAPIFY operation. Repeat the procedures of extraction and adjustment till the heap is empty, the sorted array is formed.

In each heap restoration process, instead of selection sort method of locating the maximum or minimum key within the inputs in linear time, Heap Sort uses MAX-HEAPIFY operation to reduce time complexity to logarithmic bound.


The following code transforms a randomly distributed array into an ascending entry array.

  for i = length(A) to 2
    swap A[1] and A[i]
    A.heap_size = A.heap_size - 1

Algorithm Analysis

Given a n-size inputs, there is a Ο(n) estimate on BUILD_MAX_HEAP operation; And for each input entry, a MAX_HEAPIFY is expected to perform and thus costs Ο(n ⋅ log(n)) in total.

Since the Heap Sort is also a comparison-based sorting that has proven with a lower bound Ω(n ⋅ log(n)), the more tighter bound for Heap Sort will be Θ(n ⋅ log(n)).

Additional References

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